Gene editing is about to happen, but don't freak out just
We'll look back on 2016 as
the year humans finally began to transcend disease, or we'll remember it as the
time we took the first terrible steps toward corrupting our own gene pool.
Those are the two disparate futures we may be facing when you take to their
logical conclusions arguments for and against using the controversial
gene-editing tool known as Crispr/Cas9 on human embryos.Which future is more likely
could depend on how we move forward. This landmark moment in the history of
genetic engineering is reminiscent of the first successful splitting of an atom
or Henry Ford's assembly line giving birth to an American automobile obsession.
The UK's Human Fertilization
and Embryo Authority (HFEA) gave the first approval to use Crispr to
permanently modify DNA in a human embryo. Researchers at the Francis Crick
Institute led by Kathy Niakan will try to edit the DNA in donated embryos to
better understand the genes needed in the earliest stages of human development.
(In the United States, the National Institutes of Health are prohibited by law
from funding research that involves using Crispr on human embryos.)
This knowledge may improve
embryo development after in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and might provide better
clinical treatments for infertility, using conventional medical methods, reads
a statement from the Francis Crick Institute.
Sounds like a pretty routine
round of research if you aren't familiar with Crispr, which has stormed on the scene in the past few years with the potential to disrupt fields from
medicine and psychology to agriculture and even certain sectors of
The tool's awkward name,
Crispr/Cas9, refers to the gene and protein pairing that makes up the system
and allows scientists to remove and/or replace genes in cells with
revolutionary ease, control and precision. Before 2012, editing genes was about
as easy as trying to sculpt a perfect Halloween jack-o'-lantern with a dull spoon. The arrival of Crispr
was like being gifted with a new set of sharpenedGinsu
knives to
turn that gourd into a gorgeous work of art.
Getting your hands on this
powerful tool doesn't necessarily require the backing of a major research
institution with a state-of-the-art lab, either. In fact, you can order your
own basic Crispr kit to create harmless but genetically modified
glow-in-the-dark bacteria at home for as little as $75 through this crowdfunding campaign.
Crispr could do for biology
and beyond what the PC did for computing. Rather than working in ones and
zeroes, we're talking about a relatively cheap, effective and easy-to-use tool
with the potential to permanently alter the human gene pool. We're all familiar
with the recent anxiety about computer viruses and malicious hacks of digital
In the below TED talk from
September, Crispr co-creator Jennifer Doudna explains why she and some of her
colleagues have called for a "global pause" in using Crispr for
clinical applications. In other words, she's saying we're not ready to start using
this technology on actual patients, though she does think we could see that
happening responsibly in about a decade.
The research that Niakan and
the Crick Institute have been given the initial go-ahead to perform with human
embryos doesn't cross the line that Doudna has drawn. The HFEA's
approval comes
with the specific caveat that the embryos donated are for research only. It
would be illegal to implant them in a woman and they basically have to be
destroyed after 14 days. Niakan's research still needs to gain approval from a
separate ethics review board before it is slated to begin within the next few
Clearly, Niakan has no
intention of creating so-called designer babies, with perfect skin, stronger
bones or certain athletic gifts from the embryos she's been permitted to work
with. The research marks a landmark moment nonetheless because it represents
one of the first government-authorized intrusions into the human germline with
Crispr. Germline cells are cells that pass on their genetic information to the
next generation of cells.
There is the potential for
tremendous upside with using Crispr on germline cells to effectively begin
editing out and eradicating all kinds of genetic deficiencies. Forget the need
for glasses or contacts; banish leukemia to history books, make humanity
resistant to malaria...the possibilities are limited mainly by imagination.
But as Crispr co-creator
Doudna warns, we must be wary of the "unintended consequences" of
such breakthroughs. Nobody wants to be on the receiving end of genes that have
mistakenly or mischievously had "bugs" edited into them.
In December, an International
Summit on Human Gene Editing convened in Washington, DC. Leaders from the field issued a joint statement endorsing basic and pre-clinical research
such as Niakan's, as well as the evaluation of possible clinical use of Crispr
on somatic cells, which do not pass on their genetic information to subsequent
generations like germline cells do. Karen James told me this is one area of
particular excitement, with potential treatments for conditions like cancer.
in China faced a backlash in 2015 when they announced their mostly
unsuccessful attempt to edit germline cells in human embryos. It's the
potential for unregulated, underground or even black market uses of Crispr that
keeps geneticists like James up at night and keeps writers of certain
types of sci-fi in
We are really bad at putting
genies back into bottles once they're loose in the world. Instead, we find a
way to deal with technological genie overpopulation and minimize its downside
as much as possible.
A century after Ford's first
assembly lines, we now spend our days in or around motor vehicles even though
they kill people every day. So, we develop belts and airbags to reduce that
risk. And almost 100 years since splitting the atom, a combination of
international cooperation and antagonism has (rather remarkably) prevented the
detonation of nuclear weapons in wartime over the past seven decades.
There is hope that we can
reap the benefits of tools like Crispr and avoid breaking our own genetic code
in the process. But should we be afraid that we might wind up devolving into a
stratified mish-mash of genetic mutant classes fighting a global civil war for
the soul of humanity?
Yes, we should be afraid. In
fact, we must. But if we continue to be responsible about how that fear
motivates us, we might actually manage to make ourselves much healthier and
happier while minimizing the number of mutant
villains created
along the way
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